We Have A Big Job To Do - Podcast with Lizzie Coombs, JDPSN

This is the episode from 26th January of Sit, Breathe, Bow with Lizzie Coombs as guest - a podcast produced by Ian White Maher:

Each week leading Buddhist teachers share life experiences and insights to help guide your meditation practice as well as your life off the cushion.

Lizzie Coombs JDPSN started practicing with the Kwan Um School of Zen in 1987. In 2010 she moved back to the United Kingdom, her country of origin. In 2018 she received inka, or permission to teach, from Zen Master Soeng Hyang. She is the Guiding Teacher of the York Zen Group and The Peak Zen Center and the Buddhist Chaplain at the University of Durham.

Sit, Breathe, Bow is hosted by Ian White Maher

Sit, Breathe, Bow is sponsored by the Online Sangha of the International Kwan Um School of Zen

A Bad Situation is a Good Situation


The Founding Teacher of the Kwan Um School of Zen, Zen Master Seung Sahn (1927-2004), used to say

“A good situation is a bad situation and a bad situation is a good situation.”

When I first heard these words I thought they sounded crazy. Being in a good situation seemed the only place to be: find it and hang on tight! How could that be bad?

But he was only pointing to the truth. As he would say: when life looks good it seems as though you don’t need to do anything. Just relax, no need to meditate. Why get up early for bows*, chanting and sitting? But, in an instant, everything can change, the things we’ve relied on to keep us safe, happy and apparently in control swept away. If we are only dependent on external conditions, not having cultivated a foundation of practice, then we may suffer greatly when those conditions disappear.

The Covid-19 virus has shown us just how this can happen. Living in the middle of the ancient city of York my husband Roger and I had a very good situation: beautiful parks, shops, cafes and restaurants, the cathedral, theatre, musical performance. Now, the whole city has been closed down unless providing essential services. We can’t even meet up with our family and friends. Our good situation disappeared very fast! And, for so many others, the virus has brought far worse: mass unemployment, terrible sickness, death and the loss of loved ones.

But, we have found, acceptance has been possible. Our daily Zen practice has become even more precious and focused. Meditation practiced daily gets us to be with things as they actually are, in each moment. It shelters and nurtures, giving focus and courage. So a bad situation becomes a good situation. We sincerely encourage everyone to try it and see for themselves!

York Zen has been transformed by the Covid-19 lockdown. Formed officially a year ago with the launching of this website, it was already becoming a strong and committed sangha but, apart from Roger and myself, had had no interaction with the wider Kwan Um School of Zen. Then, after our last in-person practice session, on March 16th, we moved to online meditation sessions and kong-an (koan) interviews and this has provided a great opportunity for members to explore the wealth of KUSZ resources online and meet teachers and practitioners from sanghas in other countries. As a consequence the sangha is flourishing and even more mutually supportive. Generosity and gratitude abound. And so, here too, a bad situation has become a good situation.

*we begin each day with 108 full prostrations.